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“Projeto de placa de interface para BeagleBone Black”
[Desenvolvimento compartilhado]
Devido ao aumento exponencial de placas “embedded” que proporcionam um novo paradigma, no uso de novas tecnologias para estudantes, hobistas e entusiastas. Consideramos interessante dar nossa contribuição à comunidade.
Desenvolvemos uma placa que tem o diferencial de trazer ao público os conceitos de um circuito de categoria industrial. Não fosse por suas entradas analógicas e a opção de usarmos apenas dois “Layers”, este circuito seria considerado totalmente industrial. Entretanto, por motivos de custos, deixamos as entradas analógicas sem isolação, e não usamos mais “layers” de circuito impresso para melhorar o traçado de sinais, alimentação e terra.
No mais, esta placa possui entradas e saídas isoladas e sua comunicação é filtrada.
Atenção: Esta placa NÃO foi montada ou testada.
Nossa intenção é compartilhar o projeto, deixando para aqueles que se aventurarem neste desafio, o desenvolvimento a partir deste ponto.
Devido ao exposto acima, ficaríamos gratos se houvesse retorno de suas experiências.
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"Interface card design for BeagleBone Black"
[Shared Development]
Due to the exponential growth of "embedded" boards that provide a new paradigm in the use of new technologies to students, hobbyists and enthusiasts.
We would be interesting to give our contribution to the community.
We develop a board that has the distinction of bringing to the public the concepts of an industrial-grade circuit. Were it not for its analog inputs and the option of using only two "Layers", this circuit would be considered totally industrial. However, for cost reasons, left the analog inputs without isolation circuitry, and do not use more "layers" of printed circuit to improve the tracing of signals, power and ground.
For the rest, this board has isolated inputs and outputs and their communication is filtered.
Warning: This board is NOT assembled or tested.
Our intention is to share the project, leaving those who venture in this challenge, the development from this point.
Due to the above, we would be grateful if there was return of their experiences.
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CapeLink is a board designed to interface with the BeagleBoneBlack.
Its design differs from any other because it uses technical and industrial grade components.
Its eight digital inputs are opto-coupled, and allow efficient electrical isolation between internal and external circuitry.
Still talking to digital input, CapeLink also has a fast isolated input for capturing digital high speed signals.
The eight digital outputs are also opto-coupled which makes this almost unique solution on the market because they use non-isolated drivers.
Another nice feature is the five digital pulses outputs dedicated to control servos. In this case a 74LVXC3245 driver integrated circuit provides the proper interface to protect the internal circuit board and BBB.
These five channels have the characteristic of to become digital inputs. To do this, just change the Jumper JP9.
The power input is filtered and isolated by inductors that greatly reduce interference and noise. This entry is protected against reverse polarity and accepts voltages from 12 to 28Vdc. The current required when you have a Display connected is 1.6 A and 0,6A without Display. This board has a dedicated connector to power the external Display. This connector provides 1.0A at 12Vdc.
Another nice feature is the expansion connector to the board "daughter".
It provides power +3Vdc and + 5Vdc, and serial RS-232 or I2C, as position of jumpers JP20 to JP23.
A 256kb serial flash memory is available to the user.
CapeLink board has hardware for both serial communication output RS-232 and RS-485. This can be chosen by software and the user can switch the standard of communication.
The outputs of these drivers are filtered by inductors and capacitors to ensure insulation of noises. If you want, you can remove filters through the jumpers JP12 to JP17.
CapeLink board has two configurable analog inputs using jumpers. The user can choose the input ranges in industry standard values of 4 to 20 mA, 5V, 10V and 125mV.
An instrumentation input is provided. You can use it to connect a PT100, PT1000, load cell or pressure sensor. This entry has a stable supply current that provides 1mA, 200μA and 200μA through an exchange of resistor.
The gain of this instrumentation amplifier has its gain changed through the resistor "RG".
Finally the board has 2 "High Power" opto-coupled outputs to turn heavier loads. Its capacity is 1.5A at 100V (AC or DC).
CapeLink board is designed to protect against noise and interference making it ideal for applications in harsh environments.
In the future this board will win a box to be integrated with a 7 " TFT color graphic display.
Esta é uma placa para uso experimental somente.
Apesar de possuir um desenho industrial, ela foi desenvolvida para hobistas, estudantes e entusiastas que pretendem melhorar a interface de sua BeagleBone Black.
Esta placa não foi montada ou testada.
A Link Electronics Brazil não se responsabiliza por qualquer prejuízo ou mal funcionamento do circuito.
Toda manufatura e montagem corre por conta do usuário. Não é nossa responsabilidade.
A empresa não fornece suporte ou qualquer assistência neste projeto.
This is an experimental board.
Although this board has an industrial design, is aimed at makers and hobbyists who intend to get an improved interface for Beaglebone board.
This board has not been tested or even assembled.
Link Electronics Brazil is not liable for any damage or malfunction.
All manufacturing and assembly is not our responsibility.
The company does not support or any assistance for this project.
Link Electronics Brazil
- Santa Barbara D Oeste - SP - Brazil
International Society of Automation
ISA Membership since 2012
© Copyright Link Electronics Brazil